Stepping Stones

Stepping Stone's purpose is to disciple our children through the study of God's Word, prayer and building community.  The curriculum we use is designed to teach the children of God's redemptive plan for all humans from the creation of the universe to the story of Easter when Jesus not only sacrifices His life for the payment of our sin but also resurrects from the dead securing the eternal destiny of those who choose to accept His priceless gift!  Children ages Kindergarten to Grade 5 are able to attend Stepping Stones during the sermon portion of Sunday Worship.

Please make sure your child has used the washroom before going to Stepping Stones as we have limited staff to help with washroom breaks.  If your child needs the washroom during the service, you will be notified via a projected number during service.  Please see the attendance sheet at Stepping Stones to find your family's number.

This link will direct you to the Volunteer Schedule page

Please use the form below to complete your child's registration.  It may take a moment to load...